Children, Animals and Strange Adults by Claudia Delgado

Children, Animals and Strange Adults. 51KXWJ3gPqL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_


Framton Nuttel was a very tired and nervous person so he went to the doctor and the doctor told him that he should go somewhere peaceful.

They decided to go to Mrs. Samppleton’s house.

Vera that was very imaginative told them a story that was very realistic so they got scared but at the end she told them it was a lie because Framtom

started to get anxious.



One day Octavian went to his farm to see his animals, when he was there some animals were killed and around them there was a cat, so he killed it

because he thought he was the responsible.

When he was going home, 3 boys shouted him: “Beast” so he bought a case with some flowers.

When he was going to give it to the boys he saw them throwing rocks to the animals so he got very angry with them.


Comadin was 10 but the doctor thought he was 5, he had his own god that was an animal and he kept some fruits and flowers in a shed with a hen.

One day the gardeners sold the hen, all nights Comadin went to the shed and Mrs. De Ropp saw him, the next day, Mrs. De Ropp went there.


Groby that was a lonely person lived with his parrot.

One day he visited his sister in-law. She had a scrapbook with drawings of the parrot.

When he returned home it was dead. The Coronel bought him a monkey that also died.


Lady Blewley made a party and she invited Cornelius, a very clever person. He discovers how to talk to the cat- Tobemory, and the cat spends all the party talking.

Some days later, Tobermory went to the newspaper and some weeks later it appears that an elephant killed Cornelius because he was intelligent.


One windy night Georg and Urlich went into a forest that in the past had problems, because of the wind. A tree fell on the grass they had cut.

When the wind stopped they shouted for help. Urlich could see people but the shapes were wolves.

Written by . Claudia Delgado (2º ESO-B)



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