GANDHI by Felipe Daroca González de Ubieta


AUTHOR: Sue Kendall


Ghandi  was born on 2nd October 1869 in Porbandar. His family wasn´t poor, so his childhood wasn´t  difficult.

When he was 13, he got married with a girl called Kasturba,  because his parents decided it.

3 years later, when he was 16, his father died. Two years later he decided to go to England to study law at university. During the university years , he tried to adapt to the English culture, but he realized that English culture was so difficult, so he returned to India.

He was working as a lawyer in India for many years. Some years later, he was a defender of the non-violent protests and led his country to the independence.

And on 30th January 1948 he was assassinated by several shoots with a fire gun.

Written by: Felipe Daroca González de Ubieta (2º ESO-B)

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